Pathogenesis of cancer

Сергей Шалин
(1 голос)
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This article is devoted to the pathogenesis of cancer. The processes of cancer cell formation are briefly described.

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13-05-2024, 00:28
Pathogenesis of cancer

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The mechanism of occurrence, growth and development of Mononuclear oncogenesis is a complex process, when each subsequent action is the result of the previous one, each action has its own distinctive features and oncogenesis can end for one reason or another at each of them. Pretumor diseases of the body and pathological changes in local tissues in the zone of chronic inflammation contribute to the formation of an isolated microcavity as a future “pretumor” bed. The microcavity, isolated from the microenvironment, contains an aggressive specific liquid in an oxygen-free environment. Inflammatory mediators initiate an additional requirement for specific tissue immunocompetent cells, therefore hematopoiesis is stimulated and the production of mononuclear cells in the red bone marrow is enhanced, because They do not form a bone marrow reserve. During the accelerated production of bone marrow mononuclear cells and under carcinogenic influence, genotypic changes in the DNA of the nucleus of hematopoietic stem cells occur, with different levels of potency according to a recessive trait. After entering the tissue, mononuclear cells with genotypic changes in nuclear DNA penetrate into an isolated microcavity, where they are exposed to aggressive liquid in an oxygen-free environment — epigenetic changes appear. During the process of mitosis of a mononuclear cell, which has genotypic and epigenetic changes, a primary malignant stem cell is “born,” which divides to form similar or homogeneous malignant cells and forms a monoclonal malignant “embryo”—a clone of malignant cells within the shell of an isolated microcavity. Subsequent division of malignant cells leads to an increase in their critical mass (number) and is accompanied by an increase in their malignancy (malignant progression), which contributes to the destruction of the shell of the isolated microcavity. The release of malignant cells into the intercellular space and the involvement of the stroma of an organ or tissue in the malignant process means the beginning of the organization of the primary malignant focus. The malignant focus increases in size due to active proliferation, appositional and invasive growth. Active penetration of true malignant cells through tissue barriers (invasive growth), as well as stimulation of the growth of blood vessels (angioneogenesis) contribute to the penetration of malignant cells into the vascular bed and the organization of a secondary malignant focus (metastasis).

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