Когда тело говорит НЕТ: цена скрытого стресса

Матэ Габор
(1 голос)
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В этой книге, наполненной трогательными историями реальных людей, автор показывает, что эмоции и психологический стресс играют важную роль в развитии хронических недугов. Приученные рассматривать разум и тело по отдельности, врачи часто оказываются беспомощными в лечении таких заболеваний, как рак груди, ревматоидный артрит, рассеянный склероз, фибромиалгия и болезнь Альцгеймера. Габор Матэ обнаружил, что люди, страдающие этими заболеваниями, испытывали постоянный стресс, часто незаметный для них самих. Он утверждает, что зная о том, как связаны стресс и болезнь, можно предотвратить их возникновение и облегчить выздоровление. Данная книга не является медицинским пособием. Все рекомендации следует согласовывать с лечащим врачом.

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20-11-2023, 16:28
Когда тело говорит НЕТ: цена скрытого стресса

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Глава 1. «Бермудский треугольник»

1. Hans Selye, The Stress of Life, rev. ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978), 4.

2. M. Angell, «Disease as a Reflection of the Psyche», New England Journal of Medicine, 13 June 1985.

3. Interview with Dr. Robert Maunder.

4. Plato, Charmides, quoted in A. A. Brill, Freud's Contribution to Psychiatry (New York, W.W. Norton, 1944), 233.

Глава 2. Невероятно послушная девочка

1. G. M. Franklin, «Stress and Its Relationship to Acute Exacerbations in Multiple Sclerosis», Journal of Neurological Rehabilitation 2, no. 1 (1988).

2. I. Grant, «Psychosomatic-Somatopsychic Aspects of Multiple Sclerosis», in U. Halbriech, ed., Multiple Sclerosis: A Neuropsychiatric Disorder, no. 37, Progress in Psychiatry series (Washington/London: American Psychiatric Press).

3. V. Mei-Tal, «The Role of Psychological Process in a Somatic Disorder: Multiple Sclerosis», Psychosomatic Medicine 32, no. 1 (1970), 68.

4. G. S. Philippopoulous, «The Etiologic Significance of Emotional Factors in Onset and Exacerbations of Multiple Sclerosis», Psychosomatic Medicine, 20 (1958): 458–74.

5. Mei-Tal, «The Role of Psychological Process…», 73.

6. I. Grant, «Severely Threatening Events and Marked Life Difficulties Preceding Onset or Exacerbation of Multiple Sclerosis», Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 52 (1989): 8–13. «Seventy-seven per cent of the MS group, but only 35 per cent of the control group, experienced marked life adversity in the year prior to the appearance of disease. The excess in marked life stress was most evident in the 6 months before onset… 24 of 39 multiple sclerosis patients (62 per cent) reported a severely threatening event, as compared with six of 40 controls (15 per cent)… Significantly more patients than controls experienced marital difficulties (49 per cent vs. 10 per cent)… Eighteen of 23 first cases and 12 of 16 relapsing cases reported marked adversity».

7. J. D. Wilson., ed., Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 12 ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999), 2039.

8. L. J. Rosner, Multiple Sclerosis: New Hope and Practical Advice for People with MS and Their Families (New York: Fireside Publishers, 1992), 15.

9. E. Chelmicka-Schorr and B. G. Arnason, «Nervous System — Immune System Interactions and Their Role in Multiple Sclerosis», Annals of Neurology, supplement to vol. 36 (1994), 29–32.

10. Elizabeth Wilson, Jacqueline du Pré (London: Faber and Faber, 1999), 160.

11. Hilary du Pré and Piers du Pré, A Genius in the Family: An Intimate Memoir of Jacqueline du Pré (New York: Vintage, 1998).

12. Wilson, Jacqueline du Pré.

Глава 3. Стресс и эмоциональная компетентность

1. Selye, The Stress of Life, xv.

2. Ibid., 414.

3. Ibid., 62.

4. Ibid., 150.

5. E. M. Sternberg (moderator), «The Stress Response and the Regulation of Inflammatory Disease», Annals of Internal Medicine, 17, no. 10 (15 November 1992), 855.

6. A. Kusnecov and B. S. Rabin, «Stressor-Induced Alterations of Immune Function: Mechanisms and Issues», International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, 105(1994), 108.

7. Selye, The Stress of Life, 370.

8. S. Levine and H. Ursin, «What Is Stress?» in S. Levine and H. Ursin, eds., Psychobiology of Stress (New York: Academic Press), 17.

9. W. R. Malarkey, «Behavior: The Endocrine-Immune Interface and Health Outcomes», in T Theorell, ed., Everyday Biological Stress Mechanisms, vol. 22, (Basel: Karger, 2001), 104–115.

10. M. A. Hofer, «Relationships as Regulators: A Psychobiologic Perspective on Bereavement», Psychosomatic Medicine, 46, no. 3 (May-June 1984), 194.

11. Ross Buck, «Emotional Communication, Emotional Competence, and Physical Illness: A Developmental-Interactionist View», in J. Pennebaker and H. Treve, eds., Emotional Expressiveness, Inhibition and Health (Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber, 1993), 38.

12. Ibid.

Глава 4. Погребенные заживо

1. Suzannah Horgan, Communication Issues and ALS: A Collaborative Exploration (Thesis submitted to the Division of Applied Psychology, University of Alberta, Calgary, 2001).

2. Wolfgang J. Streit and Carol A. Kincaid-Colton, «The Brain's Immune System», Scientific American 273, no. 5 (November 1995).

3. W. A. Brown and P. S. Mueller, «Psychological Function in Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis», Psychosomatic Medicine 32, no. 2 (March-April 1970), 141–52.The countervailing study is by J. L. Houpt et al., «Psychological Characteristics of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis», Psychosomatic Medicine 39, no. 5, 299–303.

4. A. J. Wilbourn and H. Mitsumoto, «Why Are Patients with ALS So Nice?» presented at the ninth International ALS Symposium on ALS/MND, Munich, 1998.

5. Ray Robinson, Iron Horse: Lou Gehrig in His Time (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1990).

6. Уайт М., Гриббин Д. Стивен Хокинг. Жизнь среди звезд. — М.: ACT, 2018. — 384 с.

7. Dennis Kaye, Laugh, I Thought I'd Die (Toronto: Penguin Putnam, 1994).

8. Evelyn Bell, Cries of the Silent (Calgary: ALS Society of Alberta, 1999), 12.

9. Lisa Hobbs-Birnie, Uncommon Will: The Death and Life of Sue Rodriguez (Toronto: Macmillan Canada, 1994).

10. Jane Hawking, Music to Move the Stars (London: Pan/Macmillan, 1993).

11. Нортроп К. Женские болезни. Методика лечения, которая действительно работает. Женское тело, женская мудрость. — М.: ACT, 2014. — 718 с.

Глава 5. Изъян всегда найдется

1. Jill Graham et al., «Stressful Life Experiences and Risk of Relapse of Breast Cancer: Observational Cohort Study», British Medical Journal 324 (15 June 2002).

2. D. E. Stewart et al., «Attributions of Cause and Recurrence in Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors», Psycho-Oncology (March — April 2001).

3. Sandra M. Levy and Beverly D. Wise, «Psychosocial Risk Factors and Disease Progression» in Cary L. Cooper, ed., Stress and Breast Cancer (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988), 77–96.

4. M. Wirsching, «Psychological Identification of Breast Cancer Patients Before Biopsy», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 26 (1982), cited in Cary L. Cooper, ed., Stress and Breast Cancer (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993), 13.

5. C. B. Bahnson, «Stress and Cancer: The State of the Art», Psychosomatics 22, no. 3 (March 1981), 213.

6. S. Greer and T. Morris, «Psychological Attributes of Women Who Develop Breast Cancer: A Controlled Study», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 19 (1975), 147-53.

7. C. L. Bacon et al. «A Psychosomatic Survey of Cancer of the Breast», Psychosomatic Medicine 14 (1952): 453–60, paraphrased in Bahnson, «Stress and Cancer».

8. Sandra M. Levy, Behavior and Cancer (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985), 166.

9. Betty Ford, Betty: A Glad Awakening (New York: Doubleday, 1987), 36.

Глава 6. Ты тоже к этому причастна, мама

1. Betty Krawczyk, Lock Me Up or Let Me Go (Vancouver: Raincoast, 2002).

2. Betty Shiver Krawczyk, Clayoquot": The Sound of My Heart (Victoria: Orca Book Publishers, 1996).

Глава 7. Стресс, гормоны, подавление эмоций, рак

1. D. M. Kissen and H. G. Eysenck, «Personality in Male Lung Cancer Patients», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 6 (1962), 123.

2. T. Cox and С. MacKay «Psychosocial Factors and Psychophysiological Mechanisms in the Aetiology and Development of Cancers», Social Science and Medicine 16 (1982), 385.

3. R. Grossarth-Maticek et al, «Psychosocial Factors as Strong Predictors of Mortality from Cancer, Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke: The Yugoslav Prospective Study», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 29, no. 2 (1985), 167–76.

4. C. B. Pert et al., «Neuropeptides and Their Receptors: A Psychosomatic Network», The Journal of Immunology 135, no. 2 (August 1985).

5. Candace Pert, Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel (New York: Touchstone, 1999), 22–23.

6. E. R. De Kloet, «Corticosteroids, Stress, and Aging», Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 663 (1992), 358.

7. Rajesh K. Naz, Prostate: Basic and Clinical Aspects (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1997), 75.

8. J. K. Kiecolt-Glaser and R. Glaser, «Psychoneuroimmunology and Immunotoxicology: Implications for Carcinogenesis», Psychosomatic Medicine 61 (1999), 271-72.

9. С Tournier et al, «Requirement of JNK for Stress-Induced Activation of the Cytochrome c-Mediated Death Pathway», Science 288 (5 May 2000), 870-74.

10. W. Jung and M. Irwin, «Reduction of Natural Killer Cytotoxic Activity in Major Depression: Interaction between Depression and Cigarette Smoking», Psychosomatic Medicine 61 (1999), 263-70.

11. H. Anisman et al., «Neuroimmune Mechanisms in Health and Disease: 2. Disease», Canadian Medical Association Journal 155, no. 8 (15 October 1996).

12. Levy, Behavior and Cancer, 146–47.

13. С Shively et al., «Behavior and Physiology of Social Stress and Depression in Female Cynomolgus Monkeys», Biological Psychiatry 41 (1997), 871-82.

14. M. D. Marcus et al., «Psychological correlates of functional hypothalamic amenor-rhea», Fertility and Sterility 76, no. 2 (August 2001), 315.

15. J. C. Prior, «Ovulatory Disturbances: They Do Matter», Canadian Journal of Diagnosis, February 1997.

16. J. G. Goldberg, ed., Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients (New York: The Free Press, 1981), 46.

17. B. A. Stoll, ed., Prolonged Arrest of Cancer (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1982), 1.

18. Levy, Behavior and Cancer, 146.

19. С L. Cooper, ed., Stress and Breast Cancer (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1988), 32.

20. Ibid.

21. Ibid., 31–32.

22. Ibid., 123.

23. J. G. Goldberg, ed., Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients, 45.

24. L. Elit, «Familial Ovarian Cancer,» Canadian Family Physician 47 (April 2001).

25. Gilda Radner, It's Always Something (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989).

Глава 8. От этого есть толк

1. G. L. Lu-Yao et al., «Effect of Age and Surgical Approach on Complications and Short-Term Mortality after Radical Prostatectomy — A Population-Based Study», Urology 54, no. 2 (August 1999), 301–7.

2. Larry Katzenstein, «Can the Prostate Test Be Hazardous to Your Health?» The New York Times, 17 February 1999.

3. Study discussed in the periodical Cancer, 1997, cited in ibid.

4. С J. Newschaffer et al, «Causes of Death in Elderly Cancer Patients and in a Comparison Nonprostate Cancer Cohort», Journal of the National Cancer Institute 92, no. 8 (19 April 2000), 613–22.

5. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 5 May 1999.

6. S. M. Levy, ed., Biological Mediators of Behavior and Disease: Neoplasia (New York: Elsevier Biomedical, 1981), 76.

7. T. E. Seeman and B. S. McEwen, «Impact of Social Environment Characteristics on Neuroendocrine Regulation», Psychosomatic Medicine 58 (September-October 1996), 462.

8. D. France, «Testosterone, the Rogue Hormone, Is Getting a Makeover», The New York Times, 17 February 1999.

9. U. Schweiger et al., «Testosterone, Gonadotropin, and Cortisol Secretion in Male Patients with Major Depression», Psychosomatic Medicine 61 (1999), 292–96.

10. Naz, Prostate, 14.

11. Roger S. Kirby et al., Prostate Cancer (St. Louis: Mosby, 2001), 29.

12. Ibid., 15.

13. Levy, Biological Mediators…, 74.

14. Naz, Prostate, 17.

15. Ibid., 87.

16. R. P Greenberg and P.J. Dattore, «The Relationship between Dependency and the Development of Cancer», Psychosomatic Medicine, 43, no. 1 (February 1981).

17. New England Journal of Medicine 340: 884-87, cited in The Journal of the American Medical Association (5 May 1999), 1575.

18. Andrew Kirtzman, Rudy Giuliani: Emperor of the City (New York: HarperPerennial, 2001).

19. Lance Armstrong, It's Not about the Bike: My Journey Back to Life (New York: Berkley Books, 2001).

20. A. Horwich, ed., Testicular Cancer: Investigation and Management (Philadelphia: Williams & Wilkins, 1991), 6.

Глава 9. Существует ли «раковая личность»?

1. Levy, Behavior and Cancer, 19.

2. W. Kneierand L.Temoshok, «Repressive Coping Reactions in Patients with Malignant Melanoma as Compared to Cardiovascular Patients», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 28, no. 2 (1984), 145-55.

3. L. Temoshok and B. Fox, «Coping Styles and Other Psychosocial Factors Related to Medical Status and to Prognosis in Patients with Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma», in В. Fox and B. Newberry, eds., Impact of Psychoendocrine Systems in Cancer and Immunity (New York: C. J. Hogrefe, 1984), 263.

4. Levy, Behavior and Cancer, 17.

5. G. A. Kune et al., «Personality as a Risk Factor in Large Bowel Cancer: Data from the Melbourne Colorectal Cancer Study», Psychological Medicine 21 (1991): 29–41.

6. C. B. Thomas and R. L. Greenstreet, «Psychobiological Characteristics inYouth as Predictors of Five Disease States: Suicide, Mental Illness, Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease and Tumor», Hopkins Medical Journal 132 (January 1973), 38.

Глава 10. Правило 55 процентов

1. Malcolm Champion et al., eds., Optimal Management of IBD: Role of the Primary Care Physician (Toronto: The Medicine Group, 2001).

2. Moser et al., «Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Patients' Beliefs about the Etiology of Their Disease — A Controlled Study», Psychosomatic Medicine 55 (1993), 131, cited in R. Maunder, «Mediators of Stress Effects in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Not the Usual Suspects», Journal of Psychosomatic Research 48 (2000), 569–77.

3. L. Engel, as paraphrased in G. F. Solomon et al., «Immunity, Emotions, and Stress», Annals of Clinical Research 6 (1974), 313–22.

4. L. Engel «Studies of Ulcerative Colitis III: The Nature of the Psychological Process», American Journal of Medicine 19(1955), 31, cited in A. Watkins, ed., Mind-Body Medicine: A Clinician''s Guide to Psychoneuroimmunology (New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1997), 140.

5. A. Drossman, «Presidential Address: Gastrointestinal Illness and the Biopsychosocial Model», Psychosomatic Medicine 60 (1998): 258–67.

6. R. Targan, «Biology of Inflammation in Crohn's Disease: Mechanisms of Action of Anti-TNF-Alpha Therapy», Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology: Update on Liver and Inflammatory Bowel Disease, vol. 14, supplement С (September 2000).

7. Anisman et al., «Neuroimmune Mechanisms in Health and Disease: 1: Health», Canadian Medical Association Journal 155, no. 7 (1 October 1996), 872.

8. ssman, «Presidential Address», 265.

9. Levenstein et al., «Stress and Exacerbation in Ulcerative Colitis: A Prospective Study of Patients Enrolled in Remission», American Journal of Gastroenterology 95, no. 5, 1213–20.

10. Hershfield, «Hans Selye, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and the Placebo Response», Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 11, no. 7 (October 1997): 623–24.

Глава 11. Все в твоей голове

1. Y. Ringel and D. A. Drossman, «Toward a Positive and Comprehensive Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome», Medscape/gastro/journal 2, no. 6 (26 December 2000).

2. Drossman, «Presidential Address», 259.

3. Ibid.

4. E. A. Mayer and H. E. Raybould, «Role of Visceral Afferent Mechanisms in Functional Bowel Disorders», Gastroenterology 99 (December 1990): 1688–1704.

5. Drossman, «Presidential Address», 263.

6. Lin Chang, «The Emotional Brain, in Diagnosis and Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome» (Oakville: Pulsus Group, 2001), 2. Highlights from a symposium held during Canadian Digestive Diseases Week, Banff, Alberta, 26 February 2001.

7. J. Lesserman et al., «Sexual and Physical Abuse History in Gastroenterology Practice: How Types of Abuse Impact Health Status». Psychosomatic Medicine 58 (1996), 4–15.

8. Ibid.

9. M. D. Gershon, The Second Brain: The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct (New York: HarperCollins, 1998), xiii.

10. Mayer and Raybould, «Role of Visceral Afferent Mechanisms in Functional Bowel Disorders».

11. Lin Chang, «The Emotional Brain…».

12. Drossman, «Presidential Address», 262.

13. L. A. Bradley et al., «The Relationship between Stress and Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux: The Influence of Psychological Factors», American Journal of Gastroenterology 88, no.1 (January 1993), 11–18.

14. W. J. Dodds et al., «Mechanisms of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Patients with Reflux Esophagitis», New England Journal of Medicine 307, no. 25 (16 December 1982), 1547–52.

15. D. A. Drossman et al., «Effects of Coping on Health Outcome among Women with Gastrointestinal Disorders», Psychosomatic Medicine 62 (2000), 309–17.

Глава 12. Я начну умирать с головы

1. М. J. Meaney et al., «Effect of Neonatal Handling on Age-Related Impairments Associated with the Hippocampus», Science 239 (12 February 1988), 766–68.

2. D. A. Snowdon et al., «Linguistic Ability in Early Life and the Neuropathology of Alzheimer's Disease and Cerebrovascular Disease: Findings from the Nun Study», Annals of the NewYork Academy of Sciences 903 (April 2000), 34–38.

3. Victoria Glendinning, Jonathan Swift: A Portrait (Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1998).

4. David Shenk, The Forgetting: Alzheimer's: The Portrait of an Epidemic (New York: Doubleday, 2001).

5. D. A. Snowdon, «Aging and Alzheimer's Disease: Lessons from the Nun Study», Gerontologist 38, no. 1 (February 1998), 5–6.

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