Pleas of the Poltergeist

Molly Fitz
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My name is Mags McAllister, and I really need to stop being surprised when new ghosts show up at my door. Thanks to my special spectral feline Shadow, I have a largely unwanted link to the spirit realm--and word is starting to spread that I'm a good person to haunt for those who wish to button up their unfinished business. This time, my new ghost has a voice of her own, and she is definitely not afraid to use it--to make demands, complain, and even to criticize my choice of clothing. Frankly, I'm eager to help her just, so that I can be rid of this 1950s era loudmouth. Once she's taken care of, maybe I can finally start getting my own life in order... and finally choose between the two men who each hold a piece of my fractured heart.

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Pleas of the Poltergeist

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Aunt Linda placed a hand on my arm. “Do you want to be trapped here with them? That’s what’s going to happen if you keep going with this. Besides, Maggie moved on.”

“No, Maggie is the reason I had a warning before Hough showed up in the kitchen. She’s still here, just not with us right now.”

“Then what do we do?” Aunt Linda appeared helpless in light of my words.

“You’re going to help me. We have to find peace for them.”

“I’m not letting you do this alone, but we’re going to do it the correct way this time.” She spoke with determination. “We still have Janice on the inside, right? So, let’s not waste any time. Call Deputy Don and I’ll call Chief Oswald. They can meet us at the police station.”

“Hold on, Auntie. Chief Oswald doesn’t know about the ghosts, does he?”

“I told him about the ghosts.” She gave me a guilty look. I was disappointed but knew that she needed a friend to confide in about everything.

We both hurried to call each of the men. Don was already there when we arrived.

“Now we just need to wait for Chief Oswald to get here.” Aunt Linda seemed certain he could help us, and right now, I was willing to take all the help we could get.

“Can we talk to you both before making any kind of official statement?” I pleaded with Don.

“Yeah, we can stay out here, so nothing is recorded for now,” he agreed.

Taking a deep breath, I spewed it all out. Even the part where I went into Hough’s house without permission. Don’s expression turned darker the longer he listened, and Chief Oswald kept shaking his head.

I rushed ahead. “I can get you to the exact location of the paperwork you need to convict him if you can get a warrant. He says he moved the important stuff, but Janice is watching him and can help make sure that we can find it again.” I waited for him to think about it for a minute before he came to his decision.

Don studied the ground. Finally, he met my gaze. “The FBI had no idea those tunnels existed. If you turn in the journal, they’ll want to search your property as well. A judge is more likely to approve a warrant with the evidence from the journal in it. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. Can you put the bones back where they were?”

“Yes, I can do that.” I nodded, hopeful for the first time since Hough walked into my home a short while ago.

“Then I can get the ball rolling on this. We’ll see where things go from there.”

“Sound good?” Aunt Linda asked Oswald.

“As good as it’s going to get with the mess Mags made,” he said.

I winced. All I cared about was justice and setting my ghostly friends free.


Wes was completely out of the loop, so I dialed his number on my way home to get all the bones and explain what we were doing. I caught him up quickly.

“I can meet you there at Linda’s house to put them back,” he offered without trying to make me feel more guilty about trespassing.

“Wonderful. That will help so much. Thank you.” I breathed a sigh of relief. It made me feel better to not go alone. Not after my run-in with Kim’s dad.

It didn’t take me long to run inside and grab the bags with the bones in them.

Wes was at Aunt Linda’s house when I arrived, as were Aunt Linda and Chief Oswald. We all trekked toward the tunnels to take the bones back and rebury them.

William appeared then. “This isn’t the move I thought that you would be making.” He grunted his disapproval at our actions. “I wanted to be freed to move on.”

Janice appeared next.

“Hiya, William.” She winked at him in a flirtatious manner.

“Did he move everything?” I asked.

“Oh, he put them in the tree house,” Janice answered. “Just your boxes, though. Everything else is in the same place.”

“The treehouse? You’d think he’d find a better place for them than that. Maybe he isn’t as smart as I originally thought.”

I explained what Janice said to everyone.

“Do you want us to bring your murder up to the FBI?” I asked her. “Your husband is still alive, isn’t he? They could still prosecute him.”

“No, he’s not.” Janice shook her head. “He died a couple of years ago. I would have done more than just put his keys in the garbage disposal if he was still alive.”

I put a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter. She made a good point. Everyone was looking at me wondering what had been said.

We made quick work of placing all the bones back in their places. When we left the tunnels, Janice frowned.

“What is it?” I asked.

“My husband should have died by friendly fire rather than killing your grandfather. Instead, he got a purple heart.” Janice’s declaration stopped my laughter.

Aunt Linda and I stared at her in shock.

“What are you talking about?” Aunt Linda stammered, unsure of what Janice was implying.

“Your father died,” she gestured to Aunt Linda, “in the war because my husband shot him. Then he acted like the hero in trying to save him.”

“Unbelievable,” I muttered. “We should go now. We have to act like we normally do and not like we buried a bunch of bones.”

Everyone scattered, and I called Don on my way back into town. It was time to officially come clean.

“Deputy Don,” he answered.

I cleared my throat. “I found a journal. There were some bones that the journal led me to. I want to negotiate a deal in exchange for my help in closing a couple of open cases.”

“You’ll need to come in and fill out a statement with all the details,” Don advised me.

When I arrived, he took me into one of the interrogation rooms. The DA came in and offered me a deal for immunity on the breaking and entering of the Hough residence in exchange for my help. After I signed the immunity deal, I spilled everything, leaving nothing out.

At the end, I concluded, “The Hough family has been stalking us for years. They have gotten away with murdering our family and only one of them is in jail for their crimes.”

Deputy Don leaned back, shaking his head. The DA’s mouth pinched, and the long search for truth came to a final close. Warrants were drawn up based on the information that I provided and submitted to the judge for his signature. When it was all over and done, I planned to make an epic, multi-part TikTok.

I gave them access to our property to dig up the bones and any other evidence they needed to find in order to put the Hough family in jail for good. All the while, I hoped finding the truth would be enough to set Maggie, William, and Janice as free as they wished to be. I knew Maggie and William were ready to move on. Janice enjoyed haunting, so maybe she wasn’t finished here yet.

When the search of the Hough property was over, all the documents that had been taken from the hospital were discovered along with multiple other documents that showed what we’d been trying to prove for years—the Hough family had a vendetta against our family.

Kim’s father was placed under arrest and the bones of all three ghosts were taken to be analyzed.


The murder trial of Mr. Hough was the talk of the town. Every day I attended with Don by my side. It was one of those mornings as I took a seat next to him in the courtroom that I came to a startling realization.

He’d been the person by my side through everything. Even when I didn’t know I’d needed him, he’d been there.

I studied him through a new lens and decided maybe I didn’t have to choose between him and Wes. I could just accept he was there for me, through thick and thin.

A guilty verdict was finally reached and Janice, who had been standing next to her son through the trial, caught my eye.

She mouthed, “Thank you,” to me before fading away.

As we left the courthouse, Wes caught up to me in the crowd of onlookers. "I've heard back about the Viscount title." He smiled. "It's been revoked. With all the press from this trial, and Kim's family being labeled as murders, the Royal Family has decided to revoke the title from both sides. Only the estate is being passed on, and that can be willed to anyone now that the title doesn’t go with it.”

Annie stood next to him, and I realized that I hadn’t seen him much since the trial started. She beamed at Wes, and it appeared Wes had made his own decision. He was happy with her, and they shared a common goal of taking care of all the animals in our area. It made me happy for both of them.

“I’m going to stay here and have the estate go to my nephew,” Wes grinned. He glanced at Annie. “I prefer Larkhaven.”

“That must be such a relief,” I said as I caught a glimpse of William walking up.

William nodded. “I can go now that the title is gone. Everything I set out to do has been done. Please let Wes know and thank him for me.”

“I will,” I said.

At that, William gave me a bow and faded away.

With tears in my eyes, I faced Wes. “William has gone now. He’s free and so is Janice. He said thank you for all you did to get the title revoked. It’s what brought him peace after all these years. It’s no longer holding anyone back.” I sniffed.

Wes leaned over to give me a hug before he and Annie strolled away, arm in arm.

After they’d gone, Don offered his elbow. “Can I drive you someplace?”

“I’d like that,” I said. “To the shop, I think.”

We drove to Colonial Candles in silence.

As Don came to a stop and shifted his car into park, I took a breath. “You know, I’m so happy both William and Janice were able to find peace. There’s just one thing bothering me: Maggie. I haven’t seen her since that day in my kitchen when she warned me. It worries me. I wanted to be sure she found peace, but maybe she didn’t.”

Don considered me from the driver’s seat. “Maybe that was her final act. She was able to warn you and then, ensuring your safety, she was able to move on, gaining her freedom.”

I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel ended now. I’ve felt the peace that both Janice and William felt as they moved on. There wasn’t anything like that with Maggie yet.”

Don squeezed my hand. “I have to go back to work now that the trial is over, but I’ll be ready for a dinner to celebrate later this evening.” He dropped me at the shop with a wave.

The bell jingled as I walked in to find Aunt Linda talking to someone in the back room. I couldn’t make out who was with her.

Shadow lounged on the front counter, and I stopped to pet her as I listened to the voice in the back. I didn’t recognize it. Curious, I strolled into the back and found Maggie talking to Aunt Linda.

“Maggie, you can talk,” I exclaimed in excitement.

“Yes, Mags. Thank you for finding out what happened and returning my voice. I hope that the little bit that I was able to do helped enough.” The ghost smiled at me for the first time, and it lit up her whole face.

“What are you talking about?” I shook my head, bewildered.

“I moved that envelope from the tunnel, but it took so much energy to do it, that I couldn’t come back until there was an emergency.”

“You brought that to us and put everything into motion. Thank you for letting us help find your killer.” I smiled through my tears.

There was a moment of connection between us and then I felt Maggie become peaceful as she began to drift away.

“Goodbye, Mags. Take care of yourself,” she said.

“Goodbye, Maggie. May you find eternal rest.”

I turned to Aunt Linda, and we embraced while trying not to cry.

“They’re all at peace now.”


While USA Today bestselling author Molly Fitz can't technically talk to animals, she and her three feline writing assistants have deep and very animated conversations as they navigate their days.

She lives with her comedian husband, diva daughter, and their own private zoo somewhere in the wilds of Alaska. Molly will occasionally venture out for good food, great coffee, or to meet new animal friends.

Learn more, grab the free app, or sign up for her newsletter at! PET WHISPERER P.I.

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I’m not a real cat, and I’m not a real cop either. Yet here I am, serving and protecting while stuck in this suit of fur. That’s what happens when you’re a shifter con man who’s been caught in the act. I’m no narc, but I’ll do whatever it takes to stay out of that horrible cat rescue-slash-prison. So, okay, I guess I am a narc, after all. Still beats having to use a litter box. Start with book 1, Paws & Probable Claws. THE MEOWING MEDIUM (WITH L.A. BORUFF)

Mags McAllister lives a simple life making candles for tourists in historic Larkhaven, Georgia. But when a cat with mismatched eyes enters her life, she finds herself with the ability to see into the realm of spirits… Now the ghosts of people long dead have started coming to her for help solving their cold cases. Start with book 1, Secrets of the Specter. CONNECT WITH MOLLY

Sign up for my newsletter and get a special digital prize pack for joining, including an exclusive story, Meowy Christmas Mayhem, fun quiz, and lots of cat pictures!

Have you ever wanted to talk to animals? You can chat with Octo-Cat and help him solve an exclusive online mystery here:


L.A. (Lainie) Boruff lives in East Tennessee with her husband, three children, and an ever growing number of cats. She loves reading, watching TV, and procrastinating by browsing Facebook. L.A.’s passions include vampires, food, and listening to heavy metal music. She once won a Harry Potter trivia contest based on the books and lost one based on the movies. She has two bands on her bucket list that she still hasn’t seen: AC/DC and Alice Cooper. Feel free to send tickets.

Learn more or sign up for her newsletter at! PRIMETIME OF LIFE

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